S. Add new medication or supplement.

1. Select the consumer for whom you want to record data by hovering on their initials at the top right corner of the screen.


2. Select record additional information from the drop down menu.


3. Select medications and supplement button.


4. Select green plus icon on right side of the screen to add data.


5. Type medication information into the box.

  • a. Type medication or supplement name.
  •  user_med_name
  • b. Type strength.
  •  user_med_strength
  • c. Select unit from dropdown menu.
  •  user_med_units
  • d. Type dosage.
  •  user_med_dosage
  • e. Select date when medication was started.
  •  user_med_date
  • f. Type prescriber name.
  •  user_med_prescriber
  • g. Select medication class.
  •  user_med_class
  • h. If other was selected, type other class at the box provided.
  •  user_med_other_class
  • i. Type purpose stated by person who prescribed the medication, or provider.
  •  user_med_purpose

6. Select submit button.
